Track Storms with this IR Moisture Map of the East Coast (updated hourly)

Current Conditions Wave Height Analysis (heights in meters)
Most Recent Satellite Map Virginia to Caribbean, Visible wavelengths (updated every half hour)
Watch effects of local storms on local NOAA weather buoys
Buzzards Bay Data Buoy BUZM3 wind and wave conditions, updated hourlyBuzzards Bay Data Buoy 44070 wind and wave conditions, updated hourly
Check also the Nantucket Buoy data for wave heights (graphs shown at bottom of this page).
Buoy 44008 (100 miles SE of Nantucket), wind and wave conditions, updated hourly
Map to all NOAA buoys
Recent Wave Amplitude Period and Wave Height (previous 5 days) at the SE of Nantucket Buoy:
Wave amplitude period is a good indicator of distant, severe storms. For example, during quiet periods, the period between wave swells may be 4 seconds, and wave heights 5 feet or less. However, when Nor'easters or hurricanes and other storms persist offshore, wave height, and the time between wave swell crests can increase dramatically, and will be shown on the graphs below.Near Real Time Wave Period at buoy SE of Nantucket (long wave periods generally coincide with large offshore storms)