RFR ENV 14 CZM 02: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning Study
for Water Quality Infrastructure in New Bedford, Fairhaven and Acushnet
Last update: September 11, 2013
Update: The Buzzards Bay NEP received two applicants for this RFR by the application deadline (Ransom Consulting, Inc. and SeaPlan). The RFR and related procurement documents are posted on Comm-Pass.com website.
The Buzzards Bay National Estuary Program, through the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM), is seeking proposals for a climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning study in New Bedford, Fairhaven and Acushnet. The overall goal of this effort is to improve public and governmental understanding of the vulnerabilities of public infrastructure related to water quality and habitat in the three communities with future sea level rise and potential increased precipitation, frequency and intensity of storms, and coastal storm surges. Based on these findings, recommendations will be made on actions and adaptation strategies to be undertaken by each municipality.
Goals of the effort
The Buzzards Bay NEP is making available $22,172 in federal funds to hire an environmental service or planning firm to conduct a climate change vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning effort for the municipalities surrounding New Bedford Harbor. The purpose of this project is to develop an understanding of possible impacts of climate change and potential future responses by the Towns of Acushnet and Fairhaven, and the City of New Bedford. Of specific concern is how future increases of sea level, precipitation, and frequency or intensity of storms may affect public infrastructure related to water quality and habitat protection. The purpose of this Request for Responses is to select a vendor to adequately characterize the potential climate change vulnerabilities to certain public infrastructure, quantify populations at risk, and identify and prioritize possible adaptation strategies. This work is part of a national effort by the US Environmental Protection Agency to encourage municipalities to enact long-term strategies to adapt to anticipated climate change impacts.
Scope of Work and Tasks
Task 1- Data Inventory, Collection, and Analysis
Task 1 will be summarized as Section 1 of the report to be completed under this project and submitted to the Buzzards Bay NEP and partners for review. Portions and elements of this assessment, if available, will be presented in the meetings described in Task 3.
Task 2- Information Synthesis and Recommendation Development
Task 2 will be summarized as Section 2 of the report to be completed under this project and submitted to the Buzzards Bay NEP and partners for review. Portions and elements of this assessment, if available, will be presented in the meetings described in Task 3, and for presentation online. GIS Data sets developed for the analysis documented with metadata. Appropriate summaries and data sets or interactive products for posting online.
Task 3 � Meetings in Support of Tasks 1 and 2
See details contained in the RFR (kickoff meeting, workshop planning meeting, workshop, presentation meeting).
Status and key dates
RELEASE OF RFR: July 24, 2013
There will be no bidders' conference for this solicitation.Inquiries about the RFR: The Regional Planner will accept questions about this RFR in writing by email, fax, or email through 4 PM, Wednesday, August 21, 2013. The Buzzards Bay NEP will post responses to questions, if any, on this website by Thursday, August 29, 2013, as well as on www.Comm-Pass.com. These answers are for clarification purposes only and do not constitute an amendment to the RFR unless expressly stated as such.
Application due date: Thursday, September 5, 2013 by 4:00 PM.
Estimated contract period: October 1, 2013-February 28, 2014
Questions Received to this RFR and Draft Responses
Questions received (which may be paraphrased), and draft answers to those questions. These responses should be considered tentative, and for informational purposes, and will be finalized about August 29, 2013.Question 1:
Response to Question 1:
Response to a Question from past RFR: It is not required that a vendor be a SBPP-participating business to apply, but it is a requirement (pursuant to Executive Order 523) that our program first evaluate bid responses from SBPP-participating businesses), and award the contract to the highest ranking SBPP-participating business that submits a bid that meets or exceeds the solicitation criteria. If determined that there is no SBPP bid that meets or exceeds the solicitation criteria, or if no SBPP-participating vendors provide a responsive bid, then the Department will evaluate and award bid responses received from non-SBPP businesses.
List of Respondents
To Be Announced
Available Data Sets and Information
SERI Vulnerability and Consequences Adaptation Planning Study2012 SERI Report
New Bedford Diagram
Inner Harbor Diagram
Fairhaven Diagram
For more information on this project or to report broken links, contact: Sarah Williams
The RFR and related procurement documents are posted on Comm-Pass.com website.